Empire AxePro 2015 CAD ZDSPB.com > Tech index > CAD file post > Empire AxePro 2015

Reverse-engineered parts used by the "Axe Pro 2015" marker that came after the classic Axe but before the Axe 2.0 marker. Note that the AxePro shares its regulator with the Mini-GS.

Part: AxePro bolt guide
AxePro bolt guide
Created by: Ydna
Description: This component protrudes out the back of the marker body.

Part: AxePro sensor board assembly
AxePro sensor board assembly
Created by: Ydna
Description: This component is an assembly file that contains all the items within the sensor board along with the eyes themselves. The eyes attach via wires which are NOT modeled. These eyes are in their approximate position if they were installed in an AxePro body.

Part: AxePro stock grip frame
AxePro stock grip frame
Created by: Ydna
Description: Reverse-engineered grip frame.

Part: AxePro stock trigger guard
AxePro stock trigger guard
Created by: Ydna
Description: Reverse-engineered factory trigger guard which is normally installed within the grip frame.

Part: AxePro stock grips demo
AxePro stock grips demo
Created by: Ydna
Description: This is a quick approximation of a grip wraps pair, used with an AxePro grip frame. The outer shape and screw hole placement might not be 100% perfect, but it's pretty close.

Part: AxePro foregrip external demo
AxePro foregrip external demo
Created by: Ydna
Description: Reverse-engineered model of the AxePro foregrip. Normally this component is hollowed and has a cover plate, but those features are NOT modeled in this file. However, the screw holes are accurate so it will mate with a transfer plate and body.

Part: AxePro transfer plate
AxePro transfer plate
Created by: Ydna
Description: Reverse-engineered transfer plate for an AxePro. It might not be totally perfect but the screw hole locations are accurate (measured via CMM).

Part: AxePro/MiniGS Relay ASA assembly
AxePro bolt guide
Created by: Ydna
Description: This is an external model of the Relay ASA regulator used on both the Mini-GS and AxePro. This doesn't include any internals but the mounting shape and screw holes are accurate.

Nummech AxePro Components:

Part: Nummech AxePro Slug body - unmilled blank
Num-Axe extended Slug body - unmilled blank
Num-Axe extended Slug body - unmilled blank
Created by: Ydna via Nummech Products
Description: Published model for a Nummech AxePro body blank in its unmilled state. This model includes pockets for eye covers which are separate components. This body uses a Nummech eye cover; it does not use typical AxePro factory eye covers.
Note: You must double-check your designs to ensure your new cosmetics don't extend beneath the eye cover area which is much wider than the rest of the breech area. Use the "Tube model" body to verify your design.

Part: Nummech AxePro eye cover
Nummech AxePro eye cover
Created by: Ydna via Nummech Products
Description: Solid model for the Nummech eye cover (right side only). These eye covers are used on all Nummech bodies. They are NOT used with the factory AxePro body.

Part: Nummech AxePro tube body
Nummech AxePro tube body
Created by: Ydna via Nummech Products
Description: This body is functionally identical to the unmilled blank in terms of internals. The outside has been altered to show the minimum amount of material required to make a functional AxePro marker. This model can be used as a safety check, or the model can be used as a starting point to "add" cosmetic features outwards from the tube shapes.
Note: You must double-check your designs to ensure your new cosmetics aren't too deep. Do not create any cuts into the eye cover section, otherwise you'll come in contact with the eye cover screw head, detent spring, etc.

Part: Nummech AxePro Curve body
Nummech AxePro Curve body
Created by: Ydna via Nummech Products
Description: The "Curve" body was a modification of the Tube body that has a slightly different outside shape. This body is a more traditional milling pattern for the front barrel area.

Common parts:
Check the CAD file post index for links to universal parts which are compatible between multiple markers. This may include feednecks, regulators, air fittings, solenoids, and others.