Leverswitch Mod for DS Boards:
This involves mounting an "LS" lever microswitch on the standard DS board. The switch is soldered onto the board, then I lay down a small coat of epoxy to help hold it in position in the long-term. The board is then compatible with any LS Shocker or Impulse trigger, although occasionally the trigger will need to be modified if the new LS sits out of position. DS triggers will also work with the new LS switch, but the "hump" on top must be milled/filed/grinded down (picture of modified DS trigger).
Those pictures above are a little older. Since then I've refined the install and made a brief how-to for making it:
Fire Mode Switch Relocation:
This was a popular modification for DS boards, because you could turn any 4x4 board into an S/F select-fire simply by adding the fire mode switch, or in this case by wiring the board's connections to other parts of the marker. You can add the switch onto the front of the board, as with factory DS S/F boards, or you could move the switch elsewhere and connect it using a trio of wires. I performed the "relocated" method more often.
Following the same idea as the S/F switch, you can also connect wires to the DIP switch terminals that are used for activating Turbo mode (only on boards equipped with it). The following picture shows the Turbo mode switch relocation:
Powerswitch Relocation:
This is a very popular install, especially on the DS boards (since they don't normaly have a powerswitch of their own). Shown below are a few markers that were modified to use a new switch on the rear of the circuit housing.
Here's an install I performed only once. It involves mounting a custom keyswitch on the rear of the marker, so only the owner of the key could easily operate the gun. (at least, not without opening it up and jumping the switch).
S-Frame Relocations:
Markers that have an HSW S-frame installed also have the option of moving the switch to the frame instead of being on the back of the marker. The S-frame has several switches built-in for various things (power, fire mode, etc). On one particular marker, the owner requested that the powerswitch, firing mode switch, and LEDs be moved to the S-frame. I removed all these components from the main board and planned on installing quick-disconnect fittings to let the S-frame board operate under the main LS board.
The corresponding board in the S-frame looked like this picture below. The bare wires that go through the board (red, black, and purple) were for the LEDs, which I installed later.
I modified the S-frame board to do exactly what I wanted by disrupting the circuits and re-routing them to where they needed to go. The final product had two switches that would operate the board (powerswitch and Turbo mode switch), integrated 25-g trigger microswitch to replace the stock S-frame one, and dual 5-mm superbright LEDs (which can be seen on the LED mods page). The board was separated from the S-frame using the two disconnects seen in the above pictures.