Custom work - Sapient rapid prototype Tech index -> Custom Work -> Prototype markers -> Sapient rapid prototype

Conceptual information on the Sapient can be found on this page: Sapient.

In November 2008 I begun the lengthy process of creating 3d printed models of the current marker version (version 1.5.5c.6.6c.10). This was done for a number of reasons, primarilly to highlight some of the intricate internal features and display how they will be machined in real life.

Current Pictures: (last updated Dec 19, 2009)
I can't show pictures of some internals quite yet, and the same goes for much of the internal design besides. However I will add what pictures I can post to this page as they become available, and eventually a full marker.

Eye covers
Eye covers
Marker assebled
Marker assebled

The printing process is lengthy, so I don't have a complete marker available to show at this point.