The "Relay" regulator is a common item found on Minis, Axes, and Vanquishes. The regulator is not user-serviceable, though, since it requires a special internal spanner tool to remove its internals. Empire doesn't want normal people to maintain their own regulators due to fears of damaging the internals. This ia valid concern, but I'm firmly against it. I made a special tool that does the job.

There are two methods for making this tool. The quick method is to drill a pattern of holes and use a set of pins that can fit into the endcap to unscrew it. The better method is to machine the actual profile into a piece of material, which would allow for better reliability. The other issue to note is that the endcap grooves changed over the years, but using the "newer" design should work with both the new and old regulators.
I didn't have time to make the newer version, so I elected to go for the quicker "pin" method.

Pin-style tool:
First, I found a sacrificial piece of steel then turned it down so it would fit inside the ASA bore. Once that was completed, I drilled out a pattern of holes in the material's end face, which would be used to hold the spanner pins.
First, I found a sacrificial piece of steel then turned it down so it would fit inside the ASA bore. Once that was completed, I drilled out a pattern of holes in the material's end face, which would be used to hold the spanner pins.

The holes were drilled such that they could hold 1/8" diameter pins. However, the grooves in the regulator's endcap are smaller, so I had to turn down the pin diameter so they could fit.

The tool worked perfectly although the gap between the holder and endcap makes me want to finish the "newer" style tool. I'll have to do that later.

Groove-style tool:
Coming soon!